
Seeking input from TTU faculty and staff on wellness programming at TTU!

The University Wellness Committee would like to invite current TTU faculty and staff to participate in a focus group related to the wellness program available at TTU for faculty and staff. The focus group will be less than 1.5 hours long.  If you are interested in participating in such a  focus group, please send an email to our graduate assistant- Shoshannah Bobritsky indicating such. This study has been approved by the TTU IRB (IRB2022-985), and summarized (i.e., non-identifiable) results will be provided to the University Wellness Committee to help inform future directions. Your participation in the focus group is completely voluntary, and you can elect to be entered in a drawing for one of the following (odds of winning at least 1:4) for your participation: 

                     1 of 2 sets of 2 Lubbock Symphony Orchestra Tickets (each pair valued at $108.00) 

                     1 of 2 – TTU Centennial tumblers valued at $12.00 each 

                     1 of 2 – TTU Centennial totes valued at $5.00 each 

                     1 of 2 – TTU Centennial journals valued at $5.00 each 

If you have any questions, you can contact Megan Thoen, PhD, University Wellness Committee co-chair and primary investigator (, Brandy Pina-Watson, PhD, University Wellness Committee member and co-investigator (, or Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo, PhD, University Wellness Committee member and co-investigator (


Shoshannah Bobritsky


