
Math & Statistics Hosting XIX Red Raider Minisymposium April 20-23

We wish to announce the XIX Red Raider Minisymposium on "Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems", which will be held at Texas Tech University (TTU), in Lubbock (Texas), from April 20 to April 23, 2023.    


The following are the confirmed speakers:  

  • Francesco Bullo (University of California, Santa Barbara)  
  • Donatella Danielli (Arizona State University)  
  • Ailana Fraser (University of British Columbia)  
  • Matthew Gursky (University of Notre Dame)  
  • Dan Knopf (The University of Texas at Austin)  
  • Rob Kusner (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)  
  • Xialong Li (Wichita State University)  
  • Rafael Lopez (University of Granada)  
  • Gaetano Napoli (University of Salento)  
  • Franz Pedit (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)  
  • Wayne Rossman (Kobe University)  
  • Jonathan Zhu (University of Washington)  

The minisymposium will also include a poster session. Every participant is encouraged to present a poster about their research.  


Registration for this event is free but compulsory. Funding is available for early-career faculty, postdoctoral researchers, graduate, and undergraduate students to participate in the minisymposium and to present posters. Special consideration will be given to underrepresented groups and to those who have no other funding sources. The deadline for the financial support application is March 15, 2023. 


If you plan to attend, please register on:  XIX Red Raider Minisymposium (



Hung Tran & Alvaro Pampano 

Department of Mathematics and Statistics 

Texas Tech University


Rosa Testini


Mathematics and Statistics

Event Information

All Day Event
Event Date: 4/20/2023

TLPDC 51 Library
