
8th Hispanic/Latinx Research & Creativity Symposium - Thurs. 3/23

The Thomas Jay Harris Institute for Hispanic & International Communication and Institute for Latina/o Studies are pleased to announce the 8th Texas Tech University Hispanic/Latinx Research & Creativity Symposium to be held in-person in the Media & Comm building and via Zoom on Thursday, March 23, 2023. The symposium will feature research and creative work related to Hispanic/Latinx issues by Texas Tech faculty and graduate students working in various disciplines. We are pleased to feature a keynote address by Dr. Jarett Lujan, TTU's Director of HSI Initiatives, 12:30-1:45 p.m. in CoMC room 156. We will also announce winners of the undergraduate creativity program, "Orgullo y Poder" (Pride & Power).  Box lunches will be provided.    

The schedule is as follows, a symposium poster and Zoom connection information may be found at


9:30-10:45 a.m. – Panel 1: Ars Poética Vibrante: una conversación ecopolítica sobre el Llano Estacado  (in Spanish)

CoMC 080 (Basement, below the rotunda)

Jorge Hernández Camacho, Criseida Santos-Guevara, Mathilda Shepard  


11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Panel 2: Borderlands and Baseball Broadcasting

CoMC 058 (Basement)

"Heterotopia and the Quest for Utopia on the Borderlands"  - Cordelia Barrera

"Orlando Sanchez-Diago of the Houston Colt 45s/Astros: A forgotten MLB Broadcasting Pioneer, 1962-1991." - Jorge Iber

12:30-1:45 p.m. – Keynote Address & Presentation of Orgullo y Poder Student Creativity Awards - CoMC 156 (Box lunches served)

“Moscas en la Leche: A critical evaluation of HSI campus environments” - Jarett Lujan


2:00-3:15 p.m.Panel 3: Health, Mis/Disinformation and Hispanics/Latinos

CoMC 154

"Analyzing the scholarship output on health misinformation in Latin/Hispanic population (2002-2023): Using bibliometric analyses to determine the best available evidence" - Howard Rodriguez Mori

"Combatting COVID-19 Misinformation and Disinformation in Hispanic Communities on the South Plains" - Lucinda Holt & Kent Wilkinson

3:30-4:45 p.m. - Panel 4 - Division, Demographics and Perceived Discrimination in Venezuela and Mexico

CoMC 154

"The Crisis of Divided Government: The Effect of Demographic Backsliding on Legislative Oversight in Venezuela" - Pablo Hernandez Borges

"Developmental Consequences of Perceived Discrimination on Mexican-Origin Adolescents" - Carrie Badillo 

Please direct any questions to Kent Wilkinson at



Kenton Wilkinson


CoMC Dept of JCMI

Event Information
Time: 9:30 AM - 4:45 PM
Event Date: 3/23/2023

In CoMC bldg. and via Zoom
