
Supplementation Study in Middle-aged and Older Women

Would you like to participate in a vascular health research study?


A research study is being conducted to assess vascular function, blood glucose, and body composition in middle-aged and older women > 45 years old with metabolic syndrome, which may include increased waist circumference, hypertension, increased blood glucose, and abnormal blood lipids. 


The aim of the study is to evaluate the effects of L-citrulline supplementation on the function of the arteries in middle-aged and older women with metabolic syndrome. Participants will be supplemented for four weeks with either the amino acid L-citrulline or placebo and re-tested during fasted and after glucose (sugar) ingestion. Measurements include brachial artery (arm) function, arterial stiffness (elasticity of arteries), body composition (fat and muscle mass) and blood markers of glucose control.


This study will require individuals to visit the Vascular Health Laboratory in three separate days. Each visit will vary in duration, visit 1 will be around an hour and a half. The 2nd and 3rd visits will last about two and half hours. On visits 2 and 3, we will collect about 1 tablespoon of blood. All visits will be to the Department of Kinesiology and Sport Management at Texas Tech main campus. There will be monetary compensation for completion of the study.


If interested, please send your contact information to (562-292-6489) or A brief telephone interview will be conducted to determine if you qualify.


This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University and is directed by Dr. Arturo Figueroa, Professor in the Department of Kinesiology & Sport Management at Texas Tech University who can be contacted at


Mauricio Martinez


Kinesiology and Sport Management
