
What does being an "adult" mean to you?

We are looking for participants over the age of 18 and are investigating the impact of culture on emerging adults’ perceptions of Markers of Adulthood. This survey should take 15 minutes and your responses will be completely anonymous.

You can only take this survey once but are able to go back to questions if you decide you want to change the answer. You will be asked to read through informed consent before starting the survey, it contains information about the purpose of the study and how your data will be used. Please ensure you have read through and have understood it before starting the survey.

Participants are entered into a onetime drawing for a $25.00 e-gift card at the completion of this study (anticipated May, 2023):

OR, if you are a Texas Tech student needing SONA credit, you may complete this survey through the CoMC online study system: , ‘What does being an "adult" mean to you?’

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this study, its purpose or procedures, or if you have a research-related problem, please contact Dr. Ali Luempert at or Dr. Jon Grahe, principal investigator, at If you have any questions concerning your rights as a research subject, you may contact the Human Participants Review Board, at Texas Tech University at (806) 742-2064 or Pacific Lutheran University through the Provost’s Office at (253) 535-7126.


Ali Luempert


Human Develop and Family Studies
