
Food Insecurity Nutrition Education Study Participants Needed!

The Food Insecurity Nutrition Education (FINE) study aims to improve the nutrition and health of TTU students and establish healthy patterns for life to lower the risk of obesity and obesity-related diseases. To achieve this goal, our team will deliver a tailored and evidence-based nutrition intervention that includes USDA MyPlate, healthy eating tips and guidelines, active lifestyle promotional experiences, and self-care activities along with financial and cooking education.

Participants will be allocated to either the intervention or control group. The intervention group will participate in in-person education sessions covering healthy diet, physical activity, sleep, and self-care recommendations, as well as financial coaching. Certain sessions will include physical activities and hands-on cooking activities. The control group will receive general nutrition and health information biweekly via email attachment.  Measures of diet quality, nutrition knowledge, skin carotenoid level, psychological distress, sleep duration, physical activity, Body Mass Index (BMI), and waist-to-hip ratio will be assessed.

Participants will receive $50 in gift cards for time contribution to complete his/her participation.  The study will occur over a 9-week period. Follow-up measurements will be taken 3 months after the intervention concludes

No one other than the researchers associated with this project will have access to the raw data. Your information collected as part of the FINE research, even if identifiers are removed, will not be used or distributed for future research studies.

Click here to complete the eligibility survey (less than 5 minutes to finish):

For more information, please click here:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Oak-Hee Park ( or Kenneth Rogers (

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.


Oak-Hee Park


College of Human Sciences
