
Judges Wanted For Upcoming Robotics Events!
The Whitacre College of Engineering Outreach Program will be hosting a series of robotics tournaments that require judges. For these robotics programs, students must design, create, program, and present a robot in an attempt to score points and earn judged awards. The robot competitions change every year with a new theme, bringing in new challenges the students must solve. 
Judges interview the robotics teams, listening to their presentations and asking questions about their robots. The specifics vary between the programs and what judged activities are available, but judges mainly are responsible for handing out awards, which in turn, determines who advances to the next level of competition.

Programs: FIRST LEGO League: 4th - 8th | FIRST Tech Challenge: 7th - 12th

Robotics experience is not required. We encourage judges from a variety of backgrounds to volunteer as judging involves asking all sorts of questions, including marketing, business, branding, community service, mechanics, coding, and more! We encourage judges to volunteer as much as they can, in order to gain experience and the opportunity to meet many different teams throughout are region. If you have never judged before, the FLL Qualifiers & FTC League Tournaments are a good place to start!

Those interested can find more information and sign-up using the following form:

Questions about these events can be sent to:

Garrett Smith


