
Subjects Wanted for Sleep Study

Women and men are wanted to participate in research that will study the potential protective effect of stable sleep on blood vessel function following sleep loss.

Participants must be between 25-64 years of age, not obese, a non-smoker or non-vaper, do not have a personal history of heart disease, diabetes or stroke, and have no sleep disorders. Participants are wanted that do not take medications for sleep, and are considered to have normal sleep habits.

This study involves one 1-hour visit and four 1.5-hour visits to the Kinesiology and Sport Management building at Texas Tech University. Participants will be asked to keep their normal sleep schedule for two weeks, to maintain a stable sleep schedule for two weeks, and to avoid sleep for two nights during the study.  Measurements include fasting blood glucose, cognitive function, daily physical activity, nighttime blood pressure, vascular testing, and handgrip exercise. Participants will be compensated $200 for completion of the study. Interested people should contact Dr. Joaquin Gonzales at 806-834-5944 or by email at

This study has been approved by the Protection of Human Subjects Committee at Texas Tech University



Joaquin Gonzales


Kinesiology and Sport Management
