TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Do you know about . . . Safe Social Networking Risks While on Vacation?

Sharing vacation plans with friends, family, and co-workers using social networks is a common means of interacting in our world today. Due to the public nature of social networking, we encourage you to wait until you return home to post your vacation details and photos. The TTU IT Division suggests these social networking safety tips for when you are on vacation:

  •  Do not post trip updates while you are away -- such information “advertises” that you are not home, possibly making your unoccupied home more vulnerable to criminals prowling the web for personal information;
  • Have a family discussion and agree on rules about sharing information while on vacation;
  • Never share vacation details, including dates, times, or any information about family members that remain at your home while you are gone;
  • While on vacation, turn off location service applications on your phone unless you need to use one; and
  • If possible, take a break – vacations are a great time to disconnect from the social networking and technology world for a while.

For more safe computing information, please visit:


TTU Office of the CIO


Office of the CIO, TTU
