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Economics of Entrepreneurship (BA 4383-001) - Fall 2014
The Rawls College of Business is offering a new course titled Special Topics in Business: Economics of Entrepreneurship (BA 4383-001) starting with the Fall 2014 semester. The course will be taught by Dr. Edward Stringham, who is an incoming Associate Professor of Economics in the Area of Energy, Economics and Law in the Rawls College and Faculty Affiliate with the Free Market Institute.

The course reviews economic perspectives on entrepreneurship and the role of profit seeking in a market economy. Entrepreneurs advance their own position, but to what extent do they benefit consumers, workers, and others in society? After providing an overview of competing economic perspectives on entrepreneurship, students are encouraged to think about the process of evaluating unmet needs and taking advantage of them. The course intends to be interactive with a mix of theory and practice.

Charles V Long


Free Market Institute
