Participants must be between 18-39 years of age, not pregnant, a non-smoker or non-vaper, do not have a personal history of heart or pulmonary disease, diabetes, and must have a body mass index (BMI) below 30 kg/m2. Participants are wanted that do not take medications for sleep and are considered to have normal sleep habits.
This study involves two visits to the Kinesiology and Sport Management building at Texas Tech University. The first visit will be up to 1.5 hours in duration and the second visit will be 2 hours. Measurements taken during this study include fasting blood glucose, body composition, oxygen uptake during exercise, sleep monitoring, daily physical activity tracking, and vascular testing. Participants will be given their results for body composition and aerobic fitness level, and will be compensated $50 at the completion of the study. Interested people should contact Jacob Dellinger (940-597-5671, ).
This study has been approved by the TTU Institutional Review Board