
FREE Positive Parenting Seminars Offered Online
Parents/caregivers with a child between the ages of 2-12 are invited to participate in a research study to evaluate a seminar series aimed at providing caregivers with some additional tools and strategies to support children’s development, encourage good behavior, and manage misbehavior. 

If you wish to participate, you will be randomly assigned by chance to participate in either three 90-minute seminars, three 60-minute seminars, or a control group. Regardless of which group you are assigned to, you will be asked to complete three 30–45-minute surveys. Participation in the seminars is free and you will be compensated $25 for completion of the second survey and $30 for completion of the third survey. If you are assigned to either of the seminar groups, you will also be asked to complete a 5-minute survey after each seminar, and you will be compensated an additional $5 for each of these (up to $70 total). Those assigned to the control group will initially only be asked to complete two assessments (up to $55 total), but they will be allowed to participate in the seminars at a later date.

Interested participants can visit the following link to see if they are eligible and to sign up for the study:

They may also contact Brianna Ricker at (806) 834-6036 or for more information.

For questions about this research, please contact Dr. John Cooley at (806) 834-5294. This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.

Brianna Ricker


