This installment of the Sexism | Cinema series will focus on Working Girl. Tess McGill (Melanie Griffith) a frustrated secretary, struggling to forge ahead in the world of big business in New York. She gets her chance when her boss (Sigourney Weaver) breaks her leg on a skiing holiday. McGill takes advantage of her absence to push ahead with her career. She teams up with investment broker Jack Trainer (Harrison Ford) to work on a big deal.
A discussion led by Dr. Ben Rogerson follows the film. Dr. Rogerson is a visiting assistant professor in the English Department at Texas Tech University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina in 2014, and he specializes in Hollywood cinema and post-1945 American literature, with a focus on how social, political, and economic conditions shape aesthetic production. His teaching has included courses on film analysis, the history of film, New Hollywood cinema, and the political economy of U.S. literature. His current research projects include a study of 1970s Hollywood cinema as a self-reflexive endeavor to reconstruct the social legitimacy of film as a profession, as well as a study of the widespread political miscalculation made by midcentury artists who mistook conformity as the central dilemma of American capitalism. He has also recently published an essay on corporate executive films of the 1950s and early 1960s.
Admission is $3 for everyone and can be purchased at the Alamo prior to the film or in advance online at encourage all members of the TTU and Lubbock community to attend.
Fifty plus years ago, the term “sexism” was coined. In light of this historical marker, Alamo Drafthouse and TTU invite you to a film series which considers how sexism is embedded, endorsed, and/or challenged in the cinema. How far have we come? How far do we have to go? We have selected films with female protagonists to view and discuss at Alamo Drafthouse, Lubbock. The films will be followed by a 30 minute discussion led by TTU faculty members and expert guest speakers. Mark your calendars now!
March 1, 2017: Working Girl
April 5, 2017: Pariah
May 3, 2017:Tangerine
Thank you, organizers Dr. Allison Whitney, Dr. Don Lavigne, Dr. Elizabeth Sharp, Dr. Michael Borshuk, Dr. Dana Weiser
For more information, please contact
Sponsored by Alamo Drafthouse, TTU Women's Studies, International Film Series, the Cross-Cultural Academic Advancement Center, and TTU RISE.
Dana Weiser
Human Develop and Family Studies
Event Information Time: 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Event Date: 3/1/2017
Location: Alamo Drafthouse, 120 West Loop 289, Lubbock, TX 79416