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Study Abroad 2018: Kinesiology & Sport Management in Seville

Earn 6 Credits in Spain, SUMMER 1, 2018.

Students must register in BOTH the KIN and SPMT courses of the program.

Open to Kinesiology Majors, Minors, and SPMT majors (valid to complete 120 cr total).  

The KSM department is offering: SPMT 4355 (Sport Facilities and Event Management), and KIN 3314 (Lifespan Motor Development) in Seville (Spain, TTU campus).

Since you are already in Europe, for Summer 1, you can proceed to do SPANISH courses later during Summer 2.  This maximizes value for your money. (Spanish classes are offered only in Summer 2.)

The SPMT (4355) course examines principles, practices, and procedures of managing sporting events and sport related facilities. In Spain, we plan to explore the Olympic village in Barcelona and participate/attend events more aligned with European sport consumer interests (TBA, e.g. soccer, cycling, or windsurfing).  

The KIN (3314) course will survey motor skills through the lifespan (from pre-birth to older adulthood). It will be highly interactive including immersion experiences in local elementary schools and elderly care facilities. Students minoring in Athletic Coaching, Kinesiology, Education, can take the course. In addition, the multicultural requirement is fulfilled with some work (i.e. online journal etc) at no extra cost.  

Check our Study Abroad Webpage.  Estimated Program Fees: $ 3520.

For funding, enrollment, important dates & info, contact the ICC, Whitney Longnecker (806.742.3667), or Donna Wright (  Begin exploring resources, travel plans, course requirements.

For KSM advising, contact any of the following undergraduate advisors:

Treasa Austin; Diana Sierra diana.sierra@ttu.eduMissy Pawelek;

Faculty-In-Charge are:  Dr. M. Huml (SPMT 4355) and Dr. N. Roncesvalles (KIN 3314) 



MARIA NIDA C Roncesvalles


Kinesiology and Sport Management
