TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Study Abroad in London May 2018
Earn 6 credit hours and possibly fulfill additional graduation requirements while studying in London with two awesome professors from the College of Media & Communication during May 2018! Two classes (EMC 4301: Digital Media Production in an International Context and COMS 4301: Rhetoric of War and Remembrance) will be offered. Students will focus on understanding London, its history, and its many cultural sites and attractions. Students will see first-hand how London, as a seat of European commerce and global empire, led to the development of newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and other major media forms, including many of today's digital forms of communication. Students will write and produce multimedia travel stories, blogs, journals, a sound effects pool, and audio/photo/video essays about the various cultural sites and attractions they visit in and around London. Applications open now! More information available at

Cam Stone


Media and Communication
