TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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OPC Winter Trips
Ice climbing and snowshoeing trips will be departing January 14th and will return January 17th. The deadline to register is January 10th but there is no guarantees there will be an available spot on the trip by that time. 

Ice Climbing: Price of trip is $250 and will include food, transportation, lodging and climbing gear. Leaving from the OPC, you will travel to the South Fork Lodge and will be climbing in areas of southern Colorado. No experience required!

Snowshoeing: Price of trip is $175 and will include food, transportation and gear such as sleeping bags, backpacks, snowshoes etc. You will be hiking to a yurt (a backcountry cabin) in a remote location on the border of New Mexico and Colorado and will be staying there for a few nights. This is a great trip for people looking for a different style of hiking and no experience is required. 

Feel free to contact us at 8067422949 if you have any further questions!

Don't forget to follow us on social media @ttuoutdoorpursuits to recieve updates on upcoming trips and events for the semester 

Jacob Doskocil


