TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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$20 Starbucks gift card for each participant - Study at TTNI
Study Title: Do they mean it outside? Experimental analyses of emotional dissonance among front-line employees hospitality employees facing customer incivility 
Abstract: This study aims to analyze emotional dissonance among front-line employees by examining discrepancy between stress measure survey responses and the brain regions of interest (e.g., amygdala and frontal cortex) that activate when responding to customer incivility. 
Brief data collection process: Arriving at TTNI (Texas Tech Neuro-imaging Institute) - Filling short survey and safety screening (5min) -Final check before entering fMRI scanner (1min) - Brain scan while watching pictures and visuals (30min) -Cooling scanner(2min) :Total 40min Max. 
Eligible participants: Hospitality employees - former/current full-time employees with min. 1yr experiences. (e.g, hotels, restaurants)/ Non-hospitality employees -former/current full-time employees with minimal or no customer interactions (e.g., bankers, technicians, mechanics, desk-job, loan officers etc).                               

Reward: $20 Starbucks gift card + taking a picture of your brain 
*Please contact Dr. Danny Choi at if you wanna participate. 

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.

WooSik Choi


Hospitality and Retail Mgmt
