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$20 Starbucks gift card for each military veteran participant - Study at TTNI
Study Title: Analysis of Emotional Dysregulation with fMRI Among War Veterans Based on Deployment and Gender

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the emotional dysregulation (ED) among war veterans based on deployment experiences and gender. ED is the core problem of borderline personality disorder (BPD). ED is defined as a malfunction of emotional regulation such as extrinsic processes responsible for monitoring, evaluating, and modifying reactions to accomplish one's goals. BDP can lead to the extreme cases of substance abuse and aggression. 

Brief data collection process: Arriving at TTNI (Texas Tech Neuro-imaging Institute) - Filling short survey and safety screening (5min) -Final check before entering fMRI scanner (1min) - Brain scan while watching pictures and visuals (30min) -Cooling scanner(2min) :Total 40min Max. 

Eligible participants: Military soldiers and veterans who served and having been serving minimum for 1 year

Reward: $20 Starbucks gift card + taking a picture of your brain
*Please contact Dr. Danny Choi at if you wanna participate. 

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.

Danny Choi


Hospitality and Retail Mgmt
