TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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New Biology course! BIOL 4301-029 (Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology)

In Fall 2019, a new course in Biology will be offered entitled "Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology." The course will cover the fundamentals of ecosystem ecology, including energy, carbon, and nutrient flows in natural and managed systems from small to large scales and how these responses may be feed back to future global change. Course content will follow the classic book by the same name by Chapin III, Matson, and Vitousek (free e-pub though the library!) and will be geared toward enrolled student interest where possible. In class, students will also learn experimental design, data acquisition (including field techniques), analysis, and writing skills. Assessments will come in the form of readings, discussion, and a semester term project geared toward individual student interests.

The class will be taught Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30-1:50 pm in BIOL 102/103.

Please reach out to instructor Nick Smith ( for more details or for a draft copy of the syllabus.


Nicholas Smith


Biological Sciences
