TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Blackboard Learn Services Semi-Annual Upgrade Friday, May 29, 2020,11:30PM(CST)

Based on input from our strategic campus partners including eLearning, the eLearning Council, the TLPDC, and the Law School, the TTU IT Division will upgrade the TTU Blackboard Learn Service to a newer, more robust version starting on Friday, May 29, at 11:30 PM (CST) and lasting no more than 24 hours. During this timeframe, all TTU Blackboard Services will be unavailable. While many new features will be available, the navigation, functionality, and user experience will not change. 

Highlights of the new features that will be available to the TTU Blackboard Community include: 

·      “Sticky Needs Grading” Filter Selection - The filter setting to display or hide student submissions that will not be used for calculation in “Needs Grading” will be remembered and default to the last setting used.

·      Course Availability Controls in More Places - Improving a previously released feature, instructors will see the “padlock” course availability control toggle consistently across content, tool, and management pages. 

·      Open File Upload Warning for Edge Browser Users - Users of Microsoft Edge on Windows are warned on file upload pages that they must close files before uploading.

Please note that eLearning will soon provide detailed information about the new features, and updated training materials for faculty. We have collaborated with colleges and areas to select the best possible time for this semi-annual maintenance, resulting in the least amount of impact to instruction and semester preparation.  Should you experience any issues outside of this maintenance window, please contact IT Help Central at (806) 742-4357 (HELP) or

Eloy Guerra


Technology Support
