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Positive Youth Development Study: Participants needed!

Positive Youth Development Study: Participants needed!


We are a team of researchers interested in the development of youth (16-19 years old). We would like to invite you to participate in a study that examines how youth strengths and resources in their context are related to different indicators of their well-being.


The main goal of the proposed project is to examine how 16-19yrs old (middle to late adolescence) youth strengths and resources in their context are related to their well-being.


The study includes an online questionnaire that will take approx. 20-25 minutes of your time or less. Participation in this study is voluntary, confidential and anonymous. There are no risks to participants as result of participating in this study.  


If you are 18-19 years old and would like to participate in the study, please complete a confidential Qualtrics survey here:


If you are 16-17 years old and would like to participate in this study, please email Dr. Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo at to indicate your interest in participating.


All participants will be eligible to enter a S20 Amazon Gift Card drawing. There will be 20 winners! You will receive information about entering the drawing after completing the survey!


For additional information about this study, please contact the Principal Investigator Dr. Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo at and/or (806) 834-6080.


Thank you for your interest in this study!


This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.



Rula Zaru


