TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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The principal investigator for this study is exploring postsecondary students’ attitudes and opinions on academic collusion. There are no right or wrong answers to the questions, just what you think. 

What is this project studying?  

The study is called: "Quantitative Study of Students’ Comprehension of Academic Collusion." The purpose of this study is to examine postsecondary students’ understanding of acceptable academic behavior as it relates to collusion.


The findings of this study may provide insight about students’ comprehension of misconduct based on age, gender identity, or academic classification. Their understanding is essential in postsecondary education to reduce the risk of academic misconduct detrimental to successful credential completion. Additionally, the findings may shed light on how best to meet students’ academic integrity educational needs and ensure successful outcomes.


What would I do if I participate? 

In this study, you will be asked to complete a short survey. Some questions will be about you. Some questions will be about your attitudes and opinions. Some will be about how you feel and what you do.


How long will participating take? 

We are asking for 7-10 minutes of your time.


Can I quit if I become uncomfortable? 

Yes. Your participation is completely voluntary. You may skip any question you do not feel comfortable answering. You can stop answering questions at any time. You are free to stop taking the survey any time you wish. Participating is your choice. However, we do appreciate any help you are able to provide.

there is no benefit to participating in the study.


I have some questions about the study. Who can I ask? 

The study is being conducted by Lisa J. James, a doctoral student in the Department of Educational Psychology & Leadership at Texas Tech University. If you have questions, you may call her at (806) 778-9893. 


Texas Tech University also has a Board that protects the rights of people who participate in research. You can ask them questions at (806) 742-2064. You can also mail them at Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects, Office of the Vice President for Research, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409.


Your participation is completely voluntary, and you may stop at any time. Clicking the submit button at the end of the survey indicates your consent to participate in the survey and study.

This is a link to the survey:

If you have any questions about this survey, please call Lisa James at (806) 778-9893.

Thank you for helping with this research.




Lisa James


