TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Application open for McNair Scholars Program

The McNair Scholars Program is a great opportunity for those who are interested in research and attending graduate school/obtaining a Ph.D. after graduation. We prepare our scholars for being successful in graduate school by providing the following: working with a faculty mentor in your field, a paid 8-week summer research internship, research and conference travel funding, graduate school visits, free GRE prep, and creating and completing scholarly work. 

To be eligible for the McNair Scholars Program, you must be: 

 An undergraduate with sophomore or junior status – (Class of 2024 or 2025)

  • An U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident
  • A  member of at least one of the following groups:
    • A historically underrepresented racial/ethnic group in higher education 
    • First-generation college student (neither custodial parent has a Bachelor's degree) AND a low-income background 

 Applications for the program are due March 27, 2022! Extended to April 1.

If you would like more information or interested in applying, please check out our website:

Information sessions will be in Doak 108. 

Information Session for Students:

Friday 2/11 @ 12pm

Tuesday 3/22 @ 3pm


Jonathan Crider


PI Carol Sumner
