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Undergraduate Research Conference 2022 Workshops

All the workshops listed below will be in TLPDC Room 150.


Building the Research Poster

Working on an academic research poster?  Have some questions on format, images, or how a poster should look?  Join us as we discuss best practices for academic research poster building and resources around campus to help you with your poster!


Presenting your Research Poster

Have you built an academic research poster for a conference but haven’t had an opportunity to present a poster?  Join us as we walkthrough a mock poster presentation and answer questions on the basics of presenting a poster at a conference.


Presenting your Research Paper

Have a stage presentation at a conference coming up soon?  Have you ever presented a research paper at a conference where you are the only presenter?  Join us as we talk through best practices for giving a presentation on a stage and offer some tips to ease the tension while on stage.


Need some Presentation Practice?

Are you presenting a poster or on a stage coming up soon?  Need a place to practice?  Join us as we set up poster and stage presentations to get a chance to practice your own presentation in front of an audience and receive feedback!


Ryan Bain


