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Seeking families to spend time with horses for research!

Equine-Assisted Positively Fit: A Family-Based Obesity Intervention for Rural Youth

Principle Investigators: Dr. Katy Schroeder, Department of Animal & Food Sciences and Dr. Jason Van Allen, Department of Psychological Sciences

What is this research studying?

The purpose of this research study is to determine if a horse-assisted childhood obesity intervention can help children and their caregivers learn specific tools to support healthy lifestyle choices for nutrition and exercise.

Why participate?

  • You will learn about your child's body composition.
  • You and your child will have an opportunity to train with horses.
  • Your family will learn skills to live a healthier lifestyle.

Who can participate?

You may qualify to participate if your child struggles with weight or obesity, ages 9-13. Participating families will also receive $30 total, given after the first scheduled research visit ($10) and again at a follow-up visit after completing the Equine-Assisted Positively Fit program ($20).

Ready to learn more?

To take the next steps, please contact the TTU Psychology Clinic at (806) 742-3737. 

Questions about the Research?

For questions about the research, please contact: Dr. Katy Schroeder at 806-834-5394 or Dr. Jason Van Allen at 806-834-7703. 

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.


Kaley Roberts Roberts


Psychological Sciences
