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$20 Amazon drawing for your mentorship opinions

My name is Aubrey McKenzie Jones, and I am a doctoral candidate at Texas Tech University seeking students to participate in a university-approved research study, which examines the mentorship perceptions and progress towards degree and basic human needs for college students. I am conducting this survey to better understand college student mentorship perceptions. To do this, I need your help.  How has mentoring helped you toward your degree progress? Your responses are completely optional and there are no consequences if you choose not to respond. I will not collect any personal data the information you provide is strictly for statistical and research purposes.

Your completion of this survey signifies your consent to participant. Once you begin the research study, you can withdraw at any time and your responses will not be recorded.

Students have a chance to be entered to win one of ten $20 Amazon gift cards. With a potential sample size of 381, participants have a 1 in 38 chance of being selected for a gift card.

Have any additional questions, comments, or concerns? Please feel free to contact me at 

This study has been approved by the Protection of Human Subject Committee at Texas Tech University.

Click the link below to access the survey.


Aubrey McKenzie Jones


