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7th Hispanic/Latinx Research & Creativity Symposium - Wed. 3/30

The Thomas Jay Harris Institute for Hispanic & International Communication and Institute for Latina/o Studies are pleased to announce the 7th Texas Tech University Hispanic/Latinx Research & Creativity Symposium to be held in-person and via Zoom on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. The symposium will feature research and creative work related to Hispanic/Latinx issues by Texas Tech faculty, staff, and graduate students working in various disciplines. Collaborative work is welcome. We are pleased to feature a keynote address by Regina Montoya JD, our Harris Distinguished Lecturer for 2022, 12:00-1:30 p.m. in CoMC room 156. She will speak on "Taking Center Stage: Opportunity, Responsibility and Necessity for Latinos to Create Our Own Story."  Box lunches will be provided.    

The basic schedule and Zoom connection information is as follows; the fully-detailed schedule may be found at


9:00-10:30 a.m. – Concurrent Workshop & Panel I (CoMC rooms 156 & 266)

Workshop I  in CoMC 156 - Zoom Meeting ID: 930 5174 6379

 “Café con Leche Plática: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in the Latinx Community”


Culture, Health & Media  in CoMC 266 - Zoom Meeting ID: 281 558 5156

 “Developing a Culturally Competent and Inclusive Medical Education Course”

 “Communicating about the risk of breathing dust storm particles”

“Media, Linguistics and Translanguaging on the South Plains of Texas”


11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Presentation & Panel II (CoMC rooms 268 & 269)

Communicating Science  in CoMC 269 – Zoom Meeting ID: 930 5174 6379

Epistemic diversity: RED Lab as an experiment” 


Research Perspectives  in CoMC 268 - Zoom Meeting ID: 281 558 5156

 “Hispanics/Latinx in veterinary science research: Thematic, and content analysis of research output indexed in Scopus, 2000-2022” 

 “US Spanish?bilinguals sentence processing of the Spanish ser passive: An eye-tracking study” 


12:00-1:30 p.m.Keynote Address by Regina Montoya with Q&A - "Taking Center Stage: The Opportunity, Responsibility and Necessity for Latinos to Create our Own Story." Box lunches provided - CoMC 156, Zoom Meeting ID: 281 558 5156.


1:45-3:15 p.m. - Concurrent Panels III (CoMC 156 and 050)

Political, Corporal and Epistemological Perspectives in CoMC 156 - Zoom Meeting ID: 930 5174 6379

"’In no wise marked by suavity or finesse’: Diego de Vargas and the Performance of Seventeenth-Century New Mexico Politics”

Bodies on the edge of survival: naked life, precarious work and necropolitics in Sun Mad and Wrath of grapes”

Unapologetically Chingona: Pushing Epistemological Boundaries through a Third Liminal Space”


Graduate Student Panel  in CoMC 050 - Zoom Meeting ID: 281 558 5156

“Danza Theologies: Performance Aesthetics & Spirituality in Mexican American and Indigenous Communities”

"Re-Imagining and Re-Claiming 'La Malinche' through the artwork La Malinche (1991) by Chicana artist Santa Barraza."

Fujimori's censorship in Peru: The case of Melissa Alfaro”


3:30-4:15 p.m. – Workshop (CoMC 156)

 Workshop II in CoMC 156 (Zoom Meeting ID: 281 558 5156

“Let’s Talk about the DIM words: A Social Communication of Science Workshop”

The fully-detailed schedule may be found at

Please direct any questions to Javier Morales at


Kenton Wilkinson


CoMC Dept of JEM

Event Information
Time: 9:00 AM - 4:15 PM
Event Date: 3/30/2022

In CoMC bldg. and via Zoom
