TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Become a Global Guide for Fall 2022!
Are you interested in becoming a mentor to new international students? Do you want to become more involved on campus with the Office of International Affairs and have the opportunity to meet people from all over the world, volunteer at events, and be a part of a team?

New international students will be looking for a friendly face to help them navigate a new school and country in the Fall! As a global guide you will help mentor a group of international students with the help of your advisors in the Office of International Student Life. While your main goal will be to look after your cohort and invite them to events around campus , you will also have unique opportunities help with events at the Office of International Affairs, learn new skills such as communications, social media, public speaking and cross-cultural understanding. You will be able to join into fun events such as the Homecoming Parade, K-12 cultural education events, Culture Fest, Worldwide Showcase and more!  


Kathleen Cade-Gerzon


International Affairs
