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Aziza Abdieva: Stress Flesh

Aziza Abdieva

Stress Flesh

May 6th – May 14th, 2022 4 – 9 p.m.

Texas Tech School of Art Satellite Gallery, 1108 5th Street, Lubbock, TX

Opening Reception: May 6th, 5:00 p.m. with continued viewing until 9 p.m., Texas Tech School of Art Satellite Gallery

Stress Panel: May 13th, 7:00 p.m. Texas Tech School of Art Satellite Gallery


Aziza Abdieva will be presenting her latest exhibition, Stress Flesh, from May 6th through May 14th in the School of Art Satellite Gallery at CASP. The interactive exhibition invites our community to engage with stress management by physically and psychologically imparting their personal stress upon the artwork.

Abdieva’s exhibition, Stress Flesh is a collaborative project by Abdieva and Josh Brown, a psychological researcher and PhD candidate within Texas Tech’s Experimental Psychology program. The exhibition and panel discussion feature an interdisciplinary emphasis between artists and psychologists to study stress. Stress is a collection of responses, both psychologically and physiologically, to environmental stimuli. Abdieva will exhibit developed artwork and results from analyses from their research and will also include resources for managing stress.  The sculptures included in the exhibition will be available for the audience to interact with to emphasize the tactile nature of the pieces through touching and handling the pieces. The artistic methodology makes the stress response visible when participants squeeze or press against the sculptures to leave their impression on the specially crafted sculpture. A panel discussion will be held on May 13th, consisting of keynote presentations on Stress Flesh along with managing stress in healthy ways to promote well-being.?The panelists include a diverse group of artists, designers, and stress management professionals that will help the audience consider how stress is a complex construct that has many different layers, affecting us biologically, psychologically, and socially within our community. 


Aziza Abdieva was born in Kyrgyzstan. She traveled to Turkey to study for her bachelor’s degree in communication and design at Bilkent University. Away from her home country she first started asking questions like what does it mean to be a human? Such fundamental questions arose when she was trying to find her place in this world. Later, she was invited to study at Texas Tech University where she pursued her MFA degree in photography. She took this as an opportunity to explore the idea of humanness and find her answers while thousands of kilometers and many continents apart from her home country. Aziza's MFA show is about the exploration of humanness through human interaction. She explores her ideas through different mediums like photography, sculpture, jewelry, and video. Through her art, she expresses internal feelings and issues by representing them through external physical forms, like the human body. Abdieva’s area of specialization is photography, and other emphases include exploring her ideas through photography, videography, jewelry, and sculpture.


Dani Marshall


School of Art

Event Information
Time: 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Date: 5/6/2022

TTU School of Art Satellite Gallery, 1108 5th St Lubbock, TX 79401
