TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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First-Year Students- Apply to the Tech Leadership Institute!

The Tech Leadership Institute (TLI) is a 8-week program designed to help new students (first-year and transfer) develop their personal and professional skills so they can be more successful both in and out of the classroom and have a positive impact on the Texas Tech community.

Students admitted into the TLI program will meet from 6-8 PM on Tuesday evenings in the fall semester. Each week will cover a different topic of leadership that is taught through discussions and activities done in both small and large group settings.

Leading program activities are peer mentors who are graduates of the program and leaders on-campus. Every student in the TLI program will be put into a small group with other students who share a common area of study, interest, etc. and have two peer mentors who are to serve as guides for them in their first year at Texas Tech.


To learn more and apply, visit the Tech Leadership Institute website.


Nicole Terrell


Transition and Engagement
