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Win up to $25,000 through the Presidents' Innovative Startup Award! Apply today!

In the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation, the Presidents’ Innovative Startup Award is designed for the presidents of Texas Tech University and the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center to recognize and select startups that exemplify innovation and commercialization.

The objective of the Presidents’ Innovative Startup Award is to support Texas Tech students, faculty, staff innovators and entrepreneurs who need seed grants for equipment or space to support their startup at the Innovation Hub at Research Park. Awards range from to $5,000 to $25,000 and are competitive! There will be four startups selected by each president for a total of 8 awards.

The deadline for applications is July 29th, 2022. Applicants can apply here.

For additional information on the application process, the award selection rubric, the Innovation Hub at Research Park, and other details, please visit the Presidents’ Innovative Startup Award webpage. If you have any questions, please contact Ganga Baskar at


Kat Dankesreiter


Innovation Hub at Research Park
