TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Coffee Breaks via Zoom

Digital Declutter: Thriving in a Techno-Driven Workplace 

With our jobs so dependent on digital technology – email, communication suites, online meetings, and (you guessed it!) even more emails – is there any hope of being able to manage these technologies effectively- of resisting the seemingly endless and persistent pulling, poking, and prodding of our devices? This seminar provides practical steps you can take to create a more focused and healthy relationship with the technology that we use in our daily work. Learn to control your technology instead of letting it control you. 

October 19th, 2022 2-2:30 pm via Zoom 



How to Beat Imposter Syndrome: A Beginner’s Guide 

They say you should “fake it ‘til you make it”. But do you feel like you never made it, or like you’ve been faking it for far too long? Imposter syndrome is more common than you probably realize, and in this training, we will work to bust myths and destigmatize this sensation. You will learn to embrace weaknesses, nurture your strengths, and stop judging yourself by unfair and unrealistic standards. 

November 16th, 2022 2-2:30 pm via Zoom 

Please register via Cornerstone at under "Coffee Breaks" or email


Kailey Kilcrease


Human Resources
