TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Digital Advertising in the SUB & dining locations

Starting in Fall 2022, Hospitality Services (HS) and the Student Union Building (SUB) will combine efforts to provide an improved advertising experience and opportunity to campus departments and student organizations.


You will now be able to submit a single online form to request advertising space on digital ad televisions in the SUB and in multiple dining locations across campus. The SUB has several televisions designated for advertising and HS has approximately 20 televisions in 7 locations.


Digital Ad Slides

-Digital Ads run on a Monday to Monday schedule and are charge by the week

-Digital ads need to be built horizontally at 16:9 ratio. (1920 pix x 1080 pix)

-Need artwork one week prior to scheduled run. Artwork may be submitted as a JPEG or PDF.


Options for campus departments* include:

Hospitality Services screens               $100 per week

SUB screens                                       $50 per week

Hospitality & SUB screens                  $150 per week

Movie Night advertisements                $25 per movie (movie shown twice)                                        


Options for student organizations include:

Hospitality Services screens               $100 per week

SUB screens                                       Free

Hospitality & SUB screens                  $100 per week

Movie Night advertisements                $25 per movie (movie shown twice)


NEW this Fall!

Late Night Movies at the SUB – Digital ad space prior to movie will be $25 per ad. These ads will be visible for a 30-minute period for two consecutive movie showings. There are only 10 spots available for sale.


Note: FOP required.

Note: Billing will be separated by area.


Artwork guidelines: Do not use any copyrighted material (logos, photos, characters etc.) without consent from the owner of the copyright. We reserve the right to refuse any ads deemed inappropriate or that present a conflict of interest. 


Link to fill out Digital Advertising Request online form.

Contact with questions!


Autumn Arthur


Student Union and Activities
