TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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You know Arabic but you want to improve your speaking skills?
This course will be conducted primarily in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) with a combination of colloquial Arabic learning, primarily in Levantine Arabic with some other variation dialect of the Arab world such as Egyptian. This is a proficiency-based conversation class, implying that all the course activities aim to place the learner in the context of the native speaking environment from the very beginning. The main focus of this course is on listening and speaking so that students can learn to initiate conversations in Modern Standard Arabic. Students learn frequently used sentence patterns that allow them to communicate at an intermediate level and which supplement their development in both reading and writing. The course will also compare Arabic and American cultural situations. These activities will help students understand the distinctive characteristics of both cultures from various perspectives. Students will understand some of the historical and cultural characteristics of the Arab world in a global context. This humanistic perspective will be applied to values, experiences, and meanings in daily life situations.

Arab 3301 - MWF 12-12:50

Rula Al-Hmoud


Classical and Modern Lang and Lit
