TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Detailed Description:

What is this project studying?

The study is called the Sexual Health, Alcohol, Relationship, and Perceptions (SHARP) Study. This study will help us learn how individual differences impact alcohol use.


What would I do if I participate?

In this study, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire. Some questions will be about you, and some questions may ask about a romantic partner. Some questions will be about your alcohol and drug use, as well as use of a romantic partner, and some will be about your thoughts and feelings. At the conclusion of the study, you will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card.


How will I benefit from participating?

Besides providing the project with valuable information which could help future college students, you will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card.

Can I quit if I become uncomfortable?

Yes, absolutely. Your participation is completely voluntary. Dr. Littlefield and the Institutional Review Board have reviewed the questions and think you can answer them comfortably. You may skip any question you do not feel comfortable answering. You can also stop answering questions at any time.  You can keep all the benefits of participating even if you stop. Participating is your choice. There are no forseeable risks associated with the current study.

How long will participation take?

We are asking for up to 2 hours of your time.

How are you protecting privacy?

The questionnaire will not request any personal information to protect your privacy. All responses will remain confidential, and your name will not be associated with your responses!

I have some questions about this study. Who can I ask?

• This study is being conducted by Dr. Littlefield from the Department of Psychological Sciences at Texas Tech University. If you have questions, you can call him at 806-834-3746.

• TTU also has a Board that protects the rights of people who participate in research, the Texas Tech University, Human Research Protection Program. You can call to ask them questions at 806-742-2064. You can direct questions to the Human Research Protection Program, Office of the Vice President for Research, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409, or you can email your questions to

• If you feel uncomfortable about any topics related to this study, feel free to contact the TTU Student Counseling Center at 806-742-3674.



Katie Himes


