TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Open Access Publication Initiative
The Open Access Publication Initiative is funded by the Office of Research and Innovation and is intended to help increase the research and publication profile of Texas Tech faculty. The funding is intended to help authors defray the costs of open access publication fees and expedite the dissemination of research findings. Generally, awards will be granted on a first-come, first served basis but priority will be given to faculty who have not received funding from the Open Access Publication Initiative in the past three years. Funding is limited to up to $1,000 per publication, per faculty member, per academic year. Students are not eligible to apply. 
The person requesting open access funds must be (a) the lead, senior, and/or corresponding author (the person most responsible for the work), and (b) a current Texas Tech faculty member, full-time instructor, or research professor. The bulk of the research presented in the article must have been conducted while the lead author was a faculty member at Texas Tech University.

To be eligible for Open Access funds, your journal article or book chapter must be published by:

  • A member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association ( OR
  • A member of the Committee on Publication Ethics ( OR
  • A publisher listed on the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) OR
  • A reputable academic press

Please visit the application portal to apply or learn more about the Open Access Publication Initiative.


Leeann Slaughter


Research Development
