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October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

The year 2022 marks the 19th year of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (sponsored by The National Cybersecurity Awareness Alliance), and the 18th year that TTU has participated in the campaign. Remember - We are all responsible for practicing and promoting cybersecurity by using common sense, accountability, and responsibility. Below are some things you should do to mitigate cybersecurity issues and ensure safe, responsible cyber activity: 

  • Create and use strong, unique passwords – NEVER share your eRaider password or reuse it elsewhere
  • Install Endpoint Protection/Endpoint Detection and Response software on your computers and devices (Microsoft Defender for TTU-owned devices)
  • Automatically update operating systems, application software, and mobile apps
  • Use screen locks & passcodes on your devices
  • Back-up your content automatically or regularly
  • Be vigilant about email attachments and web links - Think before you click or reply!
    • Delete and do not reply to any suspicious or suspect emails
    • Do not click on links contained within an email unless you are certain of the sender’s identity and are expecting the information
    • Do not open attachments unless you are certain of the sender’s identity and are expecting the information

For additional tips and information on a variety of cybersecurity topics please visit or For more information, assistance, or if you have questions, please contact IT Help Central at (806) 742-4357 (HELP) or via email at

The TTU Office of the CIO will be offering educational materials and sessions for the TTU community in the coming weeks. Please watch for more information in the TTU IT Division Bulletin and TechAnnounce.


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