TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Volunteer Research Subjects Needed

Volunteer Research Participants Needed: The Motor Behavior Lab (room 101) in the Department of Kinesiology and Sports Management at Texas Tech University seeks participants from Texas Tech University for an in-person study on how people attend to visual stimuli and make appropriate reach-to-grasp movements toward them. Participants must be 18 or older, have normal or corrected-to-normal vision, have no history of neurological disabilities such as; multiple sclerosis, ataxia, amputation, paralysis, or sensory loss and speak English fluently. Participants will visit the Texas Tech Kinesiology & Sports Management building, room 101, for [1.5] hour for the study. This is NOT a clinical study. It will not involve medication or treatment of any kind. Research participation is completely voluntary and will be kept confidential.


Volunteer participants will not be compensated monetarily for their involvement. TTU students can sign up for this study via SONA, where they will be awarded 1 credit for their participation. Note: this credit can only be applied if the student is taking a course with the option to gain extra credit or has a requirement for a course to sign up for research studies for credit. Subject must inform the primary contact, Joe Opdenaker (, or the researcher who administers the study that they would like to be awarded the SONA credit. Notifying the primary contact or researcher that they would like to receive SONA credit must be completed before the end of the testing session, otherwise they will forfeit the opportunity to gain SONA credit.

For more information or to volunteer, please email Questions or concerns can also be directed to the Primary Contact: Joe Opdenaker (

This study has been approved by the Texas Tech University Human Research Protection Program.


Joe Opdenaker


Psychological Sciences
