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Lifting Up Others - Arts & Sciences' Excellence in Diversity Awards

The Arts & Sciences Excellence in Diversity Awards recognize emerging and/or sustained efforts made toward diversity, equity and inclusion in the themes, or categories, listed below. The nomination letter should consist of a concise narrative (1000 words or less) describing how the nominee demonstrates excellence in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion for the benefit of the College of Arts & Sciences, the Texas Tech community, and all whom we serve. Nomination packets should address for which of the three themes they are providing a nomination. It should include specific examples of outstanding achievements and contributions with regard to excellence by means of scholarly endeavors, educational activities, and/or community outreach. Themes for nominations are:

a. Innovative Scholarship– Award recognizes research and scholarship that broadens our understanding and fosters an appreciation of a topic pertaining to diversity, equity and inclusion, with potential for publication, presentation, exhibition, and/or external funding. Whether a faculty- or student-led research project or an impressive creative expression (e.g., in print, film, music, art, or any electronic medium), the quality and extent of the contribution and potential discourses are amplified by the nominee. The topic of the scholarly work must have clear relevance to diversity, equity, and inclusion, broadly defined. Examples might include improving awareness of or leading efforts to eliminate health disparities, locally, regionally, or globally, affecting members of minoritized populations.

b.     Inclusive Education – Award recognizes nominees’ efforts to promote and educate our campus community and the larger society on issues pertaining to social justice, diversity, equity and inclusion through formal programming, academic tutoring, career advising/mentoring, non-formal educational activities, curriculum design, and didactics. Emphasis for the award is centered on the design and implementation of educationally based activities that enhance awareness, promote acceptance, and foster action as related to DEI.  Examples might include efforts to increase the recruitment or retention of individuals who are from diverse and historically underrepresented groups (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, etc.) in a particular organization, team, classroom, course, program, and/or department. Those who integrate diversity into their curriculum by implementing learning activities that prepare individuals for a global workforce and/or promote the development of multicultural understanding and cross-cultural competence are eligible.

c. Engaged Communities – Award recognizes nominees’ efforts to connect with community partners, local or global, to promote change and create a more diverse, equitable and inclusive campus and society. Examples might emphasize on-going, reciprocal interactions between the nominee and the community or external partner(s) who are collaborating to address specific community needs in culturally responsible and appropriate ways. Other examples might also include engaging in the community with a focus on advancing equity and access to care or developing activities that support partnerships which include local minority-owned businesses, other minority-serving institutions, and/or visiting scholars from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds.


Awards are for $1,000 in each theme, subject to the availability of funds. Multiple awards may be given out each year across all categories, to students, staff and faculty. Nominees who have, in the past 3 years, received an A&S Excellence in Diversity award are not eligible. Nominated students must be enrolled in the semester they are to receive the award (Spring). Nominated employees must have a current appointment at the time of nomination. Submitted materials include: (a) Application form; (b) Nominating Letter (1000 words or less) (self-nominations are encouraged); (c) Nominee’s Current Vitae/Resume; (d) Optional Supporting Letter (1000 words or less). Members of the selection committee will conduct “finalist” interviews, of 10-15 minutes, with a shortened list of nominees. Nominees who decline or do not complete a “finalist” interview are no longer eligible to win the award.  Applications will close on October 20, 2022. Awards will be evaluated by a committee of A&S faculty, students and staff, in conjunction with the Associate Dean of DEI, based on eligibility and impact. The evaluation rubric for applications can be found HERE. To complete the application, click HERE.


For additional information, contact Dr. Amelia Talley, the Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the College of Arts & Sciences at


Amelia Littlefield


Arts and Sciences
