TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Morning vs. Afternoon Urinary Marker
Recruiting: All participants (male and females who take oral contraceptive pills) are welcome to take part in this research aged 18-60 years old 
Measurements in this study include urine, small blood sample, thirst survey, and body weight. 
If you choose to participate in this study, we will ask that you visit the Applied Exercise Physiology and Sports Performance laboratories in the Department of Kinesiology and Sport Management for a total of 13 visits over 1 week. 
Visit 1 (informed consent and medical screening questionnaire) will be about 15 minutes. 
Visit 2-7 (collecting urine and blood in the morning and afternoon) will be about 10 minutes long per session (a total of 60 mins for 3 days). You will provide a morning and afternoon urine and blood sample followed by bodyweight measurement. You will then complete a thirst survey. 
Visit 8-13 (collecting urine and blood in the morning and afternoon) will be about 10 minutes long per session (a total of 60 mins for 3 days). You will provide a morning and afternoon urine and blood sample followed by bodyweight measurement. You will then complete a thirst survey. 
$50 dollars will be given to those who complete the entire study. 
If interested and you DO NOT have kidney disease, urinary tract infection, hypertension, or Type 1 or 2 diabetes, please send your contact information to (512-618-4244). 

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University and is directed by Dr. Yasuki Sekiguchi and Dr. Hui Ying Luk, Assistant Professors in the Department of Kinesiology and Sports Management, who can be contacted at and 

Marcos Keefe


Kinesiology and Sport Management
