TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Mortar Board Applications are Open!

If you are interesting in applying, use the link below. Our application can also be found on our website

What is Mortar Board?

The Texas Tech Mortar Board Forum is a senior honors society composed of the top 0.20% of Texas Tech. Members of this organization are chosen based on scholarship, leadership, and service. Being a member of Mortar Board allows you to interact with other ambitious students who see challenges as an opportunity to excel. Accordingly, membership in this organization is very elite and is therefore held to high standards. Mortar Board has a rich history of excellence, with alumni including Quarterback Drew Brees, President Jimmy Carter, various TTU Student Body Presidents, Homecoming Kings/Queens, and many more!

Why Join?

You will make a remarkable difference in your campus community alongside the other members of your chapter by coming together to live Mortar Board’s purpose. You will develop real connections among the best and brightest leaders in your class and with faculty, administrators and staff. Connections with alumni in your field add to your confidence in the world of work. Fellowships support members’ graduate degree work. Other benefits extend throughout your lifetime. Once you are a member, you may always place the distinction of Mortar Board on your résumé. In addition to the national scholarships, the Forum Chapter gives out numerous scholarships to its current members to support their post-undergraduate aspirations.

How do I join?

Simply put- Apply! Since Mortar Board is a Senior National Honor Society, we require all of our incoming members to have 90 hours by the Fall of their membership year (in this year's case, Fall of 2023), as well as a minimum GPA of 3.25. Selection of candidates is made once each year, usually in the spring term. If your candidacy is approved by the current chapter of collegiate members on your campus, then it must also be approved by Mortar Board at the national level.

This announcement is represented by a registered student organization.


Madelyn Spano


