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Undergraduate researcher position in Environmental Soil Chemistry

An undergraduate student researcher position is available in the Environmental Soil Chemistry lab ( in the Department of Plant and Soil Science at TTU starting January 2023. The research involves carrying out laboratory experiments (e.g., adsorption/desorption) to study the role of dissolved silicon on the extent of potassium adsorption onto various metal oxide minerals. This position is a great opportunity for an undergraduate student to learn important laboratory skills, such as batch reactions and analytical instrument operation (ICP-OES). Additionally, the student will be producing novel data related to the fixation of potassium in soils – which is an important problem that inhibits nutrient bioavailability. Other skills/equipment involved with the project include microscopy (Scanning Electron Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy) and X-ray diffraction. Student will learn practical laboratory skills, extremely valuable for those interested in pursuing graduate school in the areas of Soil Science, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Geosciences, Earth Sciences, or related disciplines. The student will also gain valuable experience via presentations at the TTU Undergraduate Research Conference (URC). Additionally, the student will present at the annual Soil Science Society of American meeting or the American Chemical Society meeting. An additional goal is to contribute data into a peer reviewed publication. The expectations for the position are that the student will work 10-15 hours/week, interact with graduate students, attend weekly meetings, and establish and maintain positive and effective work relationships. The position pay $10/hour.

Please contact Dr. Matt Siebecker ( or Dr. Aakriti Sharma ( if you are interested in this position.




Aakriti Sharma


Plant and Soil Science
