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University Libraries Announces Winners of Open Access Week Awards
Four faculty members were honored with Open Access Week Awards. 

David Sears of the School of Music was selected as the recipient of the Open Data award for course content on Github at this linkAli Duffy of Theatre and Dance was selected as the Professor recipient of the Advocacy award for her collaboration with students to create an open educational resource titled Meet the Dancemakers. Sarah E. Martin of Professional Communication was selected as the recipient of the Open Education award for the development of the course Corporate Social Media which uses all open-access or open educational resource materials. Ting Lin of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering was selected as the recipient of the Publication award for her most recent open access publication  and continued commitment to publishing open. 

Faculty were selected by the Libraries’ Scholarly Publishing Team. The purpose of the Open Access Week Awards is to recognize faculty who have made their research open or used open materials in their courses. It is intended to assist faculty when demonstrating the impact of their work. For example, a faculty member may use the award on their dossier or vitae.

Open Access is the free, immediate availability of research articles online, coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment (SPARC).


About the Open Access Week Awards

This award applied to open textbooks, educational materials, data and source code as well. This award is NOT for publisher fees. The grant for publishing fees is the Open Access Publication Initiative, hosted by the Office of the Vice President of Research.

For more information contact: Sabrina Davis, Scholarly Publishing Team Chair at


Julie Barnett


