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Maddie Castillo: Becoming
Please join us in a MFA lecture that brings together the research and thoughts of Maddie Castillo’s previous two years of the MFA program. Maddie’s work explores the ephemeral nature of rituals, the joy and pain of making, and seeks preciousness in the mundane. Grief follows a disruption of a ritual, and by investigating this feeling, they immerse themself in the reality of the now. New Materialism and mindfulness influence Maddie’s body of work; the process of their art blends intentionality with material agency, allowing the work to choose its direction. It is playful and empathetic – quiet, yet expansive. While creation often entails pain and the loss of each finite experience begets mourning, this pain reveals the inherent worth of each undertaking. “It hurts just as much as it is worth.” 

Maddie Castillo is a third year MFA candidate with an emphasis in Jewelry/Metalsmithing. They are from League City, Texas and earned their BFA in Jewelry/Metalsmithing at Stephen F. Austin University in the year 2020. Maddie is an interdisciplinary artist whose work focuses on the body, ranging from wearables to expansive installations. Their work is process-based and intuitive. 

The MFA lecture meets the part of the requirement necessary to receive the MFA degree from the School of Art.

Madeline Castillo


School of Art

Event Information
Time: 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Event Date: 11/4/2022

MCoM Building Room 0268
