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CFP: The Sowell Collection Conference
The Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library is hosting a hybrid conference (digital and face-to-face sessions) April 6-8, 2023. The deadline for submission is March 1, 2023.

We accept both creative and scholarly papers/panels.  We prefer creative work grounded in the natural world and critical/scholarly papers dealing in some way with writers whose work is included in the Sowell Collection.  However, we always take a very broad (and we hope welcoming) approach to thoughtful and thought provoking proposals. 

Our website is here:

For individual submissions, please include a 250-word abstract, your full name, affiliation, contact information, and A/V requests.  Proposals for panels (three presenters) must include an abstract and all the above information for all presenters.  There is no registration fee for presenters or attendees.  However, we would greatly appreciate any donations to our new Sowell Collection Endowment:   Funds in this endowment will be used to support our student essay contest, among other projects associated with the conference and the collection. 

The Sowell Family Collection in Literature, Community and the Natural World is an archive of manuscripts, photographs, audio and video recordings of a fantastic group of writers.  The collection includes Kim Barnes, Rick Bass, Lisa Couturier, Max Crawford, David James Duncan, Gretel Ehrlich, Paul Hawken, Clyde Jones, Stephen Graham Jones, William Kittredge, Michael Koepf, John Lane, J. Drew Lanham, Barry Lopez, Bill McKibben, Susan Brind Morrow, Gary Paul Nabhan, Howard Norman, Susan Brind Morrow, Doug Peacock, Andrea Peacock, Robert Michael Pyle, David Quammen, Barbara Ras, Marc Reisner, Pattiann Rogers, Sandra Scofield, Annick Smith, Ro Wauer and Robert Wrigley.  

Submit abstracts to Diane Warner ( and Kristin Loyd ( 


Julie Barnett


