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Monthly Global Health Lecture Series - February

Global Health Lecture Series 

The Office of Global Health (OGH) invites you to attend an ongoing lecture series on issues related to global health and developing global mindedness. Invited guest speakers will share their personal stories and experiences, research initiatives, and insights into constructive ways to build healthy communities and develop sustainable global health initiatives.

February Lecture - Psychological Impact of Cancer: A Driver of Healthspan

  • Speaker: Brennan Parmelee Streck, Ph.D., R.N., M.P.H.
    • Basic Biobehavioral and Psychological Sciences Branch, Behavioral Research Program
    • Division of Cancer Control & Population Sciences
    • National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health
  • Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023
  • Time: 12:00 noon CT 
  • Location: Zoom

Thanks to the last few decades' advances in detection, treatment, and surveillance, people with cancer are living longer than ever and the population of aged survivors is growing exponentially. However, lifespan is not necessarily equal to healthspan, and survivors' chronological age may not accurately reflect their biological age. In this presentation, Dr. Streck will discuss the topic of accelerated aging in the context of cancer survivorship, the contribution of psycho-emotional impact, and a potential framework for exploring the association between the two.

Dr. Streck's research interests focus on the mind-body connection in cancer survivors. At the National Cancer Institute where she works as a postdoctoral Cancer Prevention Fellow, she studies the psycho-emotional impact of cancer and treatment on aging trajectories of survivors. Her work emphasizes the exploration of both biological and social-behavioral pathways and seeks to blend biological, clinical, and patient-reported-outcome data.

This event is free and open to the public. No RSVP is necessary. 

For more information about the lecture series, please visit the Office of Global Health website at, email, or call 806-743-2901


Jessica Blume


Global Health Lbk

Event Information
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Event Date: 2/1/2023

