TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Call for Proposals - First Gen Student Summit 2023


Faculty, Staff and Graduate Students are invited to present at the 2023 First-Gen Student Summit on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, in the Student Union Building at Texas Tech.  

 About the Student Summit:

The First-Gen Student Summit brings high school, undergraduate and graduate students together for a full-day, in person experience to celebrate the first-generation identity and empower participants through shared learning, community building and networking. In addition, First-Gen Student Champions are also invited to partake in this experience and learn more about ways in which they can support the First-Gen Community. 

Your commitment

As a presenter your commitment would include presenting to up to 50 or so students for a 50-minute block. We are particularly looking for more interactive and engaging sessions for this year’s Summit.  Examples could include large and small group discussions, roundtables, interactive activities, and panel discussions. We will have blocks at 11am, 1pm, and 2pm.

 If you have questions, we can meet for a brief 15-30 minute phone/video call.

Here is the Form for you to fill out with your proposal.  We are asking for a Session Title and Abstract (250 words or less) that best summarizes your session.  Remember that the audience will/can include High School, Undergraduate, and Graduate students.  You can centralize your presentation on one or all three of these groups.

Again, thank you for your time and energy in supporting our First-Gen students.

Please submit your Proposal by Jan 28th.


Jonathan Crider


PI Carol Sumner
