TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Spanish Language Class for Faculty & Staff

Conversational Spanish, this new Spanish class, can be taken by anyone. It’s a 6-week course that meets Feb 1 – Mar 10. The cost is $250 (including materials). We likely won’t continue to offer the course at such a low cost, anyone who is interested is encouraged to take the class this time around!  

Class Format:

  • Weekly zoom class mtg Wed 12-1pm Central 
  • 30-min weekly live coaching session with native speaker scheduled at your convenience 
  • 1.5 hours independent weekly prep work 

Participants in the class will be grouped by level – the course is well suited for beginners with no Spanish experience or those who have some background in Spanish and want to brush up on their skills.

Share this info with anyone that you think might be interested! You can enroll here.

Note: This is NOT a credit-bearing foreign language class for TTU students. This is a continuing education class for TTU faculty/staff and other working professionals. 


Linley Melhem


Classical and Modern Lang and Lit
