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2023 SGA Elections!

Student Government Association’s 2023 Spring General Elections have started. At this time it is permitted to coordinate interest groups, explore collaborations, and research constituencies. However, material and/or formal campaigning is not permitted. According to the “Election Code” formal campaigning cannot begin until after the candidate seminar on February 1st. To be clear, at this time it is allowed and expected for students to discuss with other students’ platforms and possible partnerships.

All students wanting to be recognized as candidates must complete an “Intent to Run” form online and submit a filing fee on or before Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 5pm, extensions pay can be granted if requested before the deadline. A schedule of important dates may be found on the SGA TechConnect portal, along with all other election forms and documents. Anyone seeking office in the 2023 Spring General Election is required to do so within the rules and regulation set forth in the Election Code as well as any and all Advisory Opinions issued during this election. Advisory Opinions will be posted on the SGA TechConnect portal within 24 hours after they are issued to recognized candidates.

I wish you all the best of luck!


Mike Gunn

Election Commissioner

Student Government Association




Student Government Association
