TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Call for Participation: Library Spaces Study

Researchers at the University Libraries are conducting a study about how Texas Tech University students use library spaces to study independently and in groups, what spaces students use, how students navigate the library, and improvements that could be made to library spaces. The results of this study will be used to inform a redesign of library spaces to better meet the learning needs of TTU students.    
All TTU students are eligible to participate. You can choose which activities to participate in based on your interest and availability. For participating, you will get snacks, drinks, and Libraries swag. Additional incentives will be available for activities that take more time to complete. Please select a time to contribute your perspective:
Library Spaces Study. Please tell us if there are accommodations that would help you participate.

For more information about this project, you may contact Dr. Sarah DeVille at
sdeville@ttu.eduThis study has been approved by the Texas Tech University Human Research Protection Program (IRB2022-592).



Sarah DeVille


